Season 01

Episode 5: Totally Sidetalkin'

How the Nokia N-Gage failed so spectacularly that it became a meme before social media really existed. And what that has to do with Panic, exactly.

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The original Nokia N-Gage
The original Nokia N-Gage
Chris Morris, the original sidetalker
Chris Morris, the original sidetalker
Christian Nutt, the canonical sidetalker
Christian Nutt, the canonical sidetalker
Gedeon Maheux sidetalking on OS X
Gedeon Maheux sidetalking on OS X
Ned Holbrook sidetalking on a giant iPod
Ned Holbrook sidetalking on a giant iPod
Alex Pasco sidetalking on a DDR pad
Alex Pasco sidetalking on a DDR pad
Chris Kohler sidetalking on an Xbox
Chris Kohler sidetalking on an Xbox
Sidetalkin' Guy
Sidetalkin' Guy
The email from Jussi
The email from Jussi
Part of the contract from Nokia
Part of the contract from Nokia